Astera Remote Control ARC1 |
The Infra Red Remote Control is a basic controller to change colors, programs, brightness and speed. It's 28 buttons are clearly marked what makes the IR Remote easy to operate for new users and customers that prefer easy operation. With up to 25 foot reach the Remote can target several lights that are in range.
The ARC1 IR transmitter is a perfect rental control. It was designed to be simple to operate with buttons that are clearly labeled and easy to understand. Like your tv remote, it’s range is about 15′. So, it’s more for set & forget situations. Many companies keep 1 in each case of lights, that way if the main controller is misplaced, the show can still go on. And, with a price tag of only $30 it won’t break the bank if it’s lost on a rental.
4 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Strong signal!
We just ran the ART7 transmitter for the first time in a tough situation and it worked perfectly. It was in a large hotel convention area with Show DMX and WDMX running in the same room. Having the battery option really opens up new possibilities to put lights where there isn't any power available.
We received our light drops and controllers, we have been experiementing with them and love it. I have to say they are awesome, cool preprogrammed effects and vibrant colors! I cannot wait to get my tablet so I can download the app and really make the most of the lighting!! The rep has been so helpful and cool as well, thanks David!
Handy Dandy
So convenient.
Excellent product and easy to use.
This controller had many features built into it for such a small item. Our firm leaves one designated with the on site coordinator, it allows us to feel confident our event lights are in good hands.